DOVER - An East Rochester man who saw his first rape trial end with the jury deadlocked on the most serious charges will face a second trial this December.
John Stonis, 40, formerly of Gina Drive, was found guilty of simple assault on a police officer but not the more serious charges of aggravated felonious sexual assault or second degree assault.
He faces up to 40 years in jail if convicted.
The five-day trial in February 2020 culminated with Stonis taking the stand in his own defense and claiming the sex was consensual and not rape.
The jury, which deadlocked on the rape charges, also found him not guilty of a simple assault charge against his wife, who remains married to him, he testified.
Stonis and the defendant testified to vastly different accounts of the incident, she claiming she was violently raped and he claiming it was rough yet consensual sex as they often practiced.