CONCORD - DHHS announced 807 new positive test results for COVID-19 on Tuesday for a daily PCR test positivity rate of 5.4 percent.
Included in the results reported today are cases from the following days:
* 12/3: 91 new cases today, for an updated total of 889
* 12/4: 222 new cases today, for an updated total of 852
* 12/6: 226 new cases today, for an updated total of 526
* 12/7: 268 new cases today, for a total of 268
Of those with complete information, there are 85 minors and 68 from Strafford County.
Local current case loads show Dover with a county high of 120, Rochester at 81, Somersworth at 40, Barrington at 14, Milton at 13, Farmington at 11 and Strafford at 11.
NH COVID-19 Summary Report
NH Persons who have contracted COVID-19 26,623
Recovered 20,239 (76%)
Deaths Attributed to COVID-19 566 (2%)
Total Current COVID-19 Cases 5,818
Persons Who Have Been Hospitalized for COVID-19 849 (3%)
Current Hospitalizations 211