Do you trust Chinese research? Dr. Fauci does!

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To the editor:

Senator Rand Paul in his talk, Deception: The Great Covid Cover-up, at Hillsdale's College Washington campus, exposes many revelations of unknown nefarious facts about the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and their major role in initiating gain-of-function research at Wuhan Institute of Virology. Do you trust Chinese research? Dr. Fauci does! Do I have trust in government? Never! Do I claim that all government employees are dishonest? Never! Patrick Henry advises us that "we cannot rest our liberties on the assumption that our leaders will be virtuous." Jefferson prescribes the solution to unscrupulous leaders: We must "bind them down from mischief to the chains of the Constitution."

Reminds me of Union shops where the Union member is accused of feather bedding while management and government bureaucrats, more guilty of theft, escape unscathed. The average American may be unaware how in Unions shop workers take advantage of new bosses because they know more about the job than the boss. The worker can milk the job (essentially stealing wages) only limited by his moral character. For the unscrupulous, it is a gold mine. This I believe is a microscopic picture of scientist who milk government grants at will, because we who sign the checks for their license to steal, know not what they do. When this happens, it makes feather bedding by Union employees look like chicken stealing.

Senator Paul expressed his honest distrust of Dr. Fauci when he stated: "It is an open question how gain-of-function-research was funded in Wuhan without committee review." Do you trust this laboratory game "...involve[ing] taking two viruses and combining their genetics to create something more dangerous, more lethal or more contagious -- on various coronaviruses at Wuhan Lab?"

According to Senator Paul, we can blame congressional ignorance about Fauci's con-game on Dr. Fauci. For the past four decades, he has operated with very little congressional oversight. Congress trusts, I don't. Do you? According to Senator Paul mortality for COVID was less than one percent. Experiments now going on with viruses have the potential mortality rates of 15 to 20% .

Driving the weapon of citizen distrust was reinforced when twitter files : "... we know that the mainstream media and Big Tech did not act alone in their many efforts to silence, to censor speech about the lab-leak theory, lockdown , masks , vaccines and school closures etc, ... they were directed by the FBI and other intelligence agencies." This amounts to Executive unelected bureaucrats turning against we the people, denying our First Amendment Rights.

In this national moral crisis: "freedom to petition government" must impact Congress with questions like: Why was Dr. Fauci given an open check signed by the taxpayer for four decades? As Washington eloquently put it, "[t]ruth will ultimately prevail when there are pains taken to bring it to light."

Senator Paul reminds us that Dr. Fauci's funding of dangerous research then lying to Congress and to the American people about it for decades is equivalent to what C.S. Lewis called a moral busybody:

"Of all the tyrannies , a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.... [T]hose who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."

It is time that criminal acts by government accepted as bureaucratic expertise are punished. Americans must be the accuser by filling the phone lines and email boxes of their Senators and Congressmen with a demand that the former worlds' highest paid government "feather bedding" bureaucrat should be tried, convicted and sentenced to jail.

Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heat of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil (Ecclesiastes . 8:11).
- Russl Paine,
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