ROCHESTER - The R.W. Creteau Regional Technology Center continues to celebrate National Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month.
Students and faculty at the center have joined peers nationwide during February to celebrate CTE Month, which is centered around the theme of "Celebrate Today, Own Tomorrow!"
CTE Month provides programs across the country an opportunity to demonstrate how CTE makes students college and career ready, and prepares them for high-wage, high-demand career fields.
As part of its celebration, Creteau Tech students are participating in a contest to design a new logo that best represents the school and its wide variety of CTE programs.
"CTE Month is an exciting way to celebrate the importance of preparing students for the professional world by helping them to develop essential skills that will make them indispensable members of the workforce," said Michele C. Halligan-Foley. Director of the center. "We were happy to see so many students get involved in the logo contest, which will both display out students' talents and refresh Creteau Tech's visual identity."
Students will vote next month on the logo they like best, with the winning entry being unveiled on April 6. The winning designer will be rewarded with a $100 gift card to The Ridge, while the designers of the logos that finish in second and third place will each receive $50 and $25 gift cards, respectively.