To the editor:
Like life itself, Rochester is full of spunk, and it continues to grow, change, and adapt.
Do we the people have a government that is reflective of us and are we really being represented and governed by our elected and appointed officials?
Are we being silenced, muzzled, and suppressed by high-ranking and lower ranking city employees? In this letter, you may learn that the proof may indeed be in the pudding
"We The People" ...Often I have spoken at city council meetings about the public's right to know what its government is doing citing the Attorney General's Memo of March 20, 2015.
In 1976, the people of New Hampshire amended the Constitution, reinforcing the existence of a right of access to public meetings and records, by adding: Government, therefore, should be open, accessible, accountable, and responsive. To that end, the public's right of access to governmental proceedings and records shall not be unreasonably restricted.
The Planning Board's Agenda and packet was posted on Aug. 18 for the Aug. 22 meeting. Soon thereafter, posts on social media about the "Brickyard" change started circulating.
The planning board meeting promptly started at 7 p.m. and quickly dispatched to public comment. The Gonicians set the bar for community spirit! What a community it is! Armed with plans, city documents and their own personal stories, each stood before an attentive planning board to voice about the proposed changed.
A thank you to Mr. Mike Collopy, chairperson, who allowed each the necessary time to speak. The planning board quickly figured out they had not been completely informed of the economic development director's motives or was there actually another force involved?
The innocent question of planning board member Keith Fitts asking if he had missed something in the board packet, specifically, the critical details of 180 proposed units, was priceless. The room erupted in laughter. Next came the heavy questions from board member Therese Dwyer on why an entity would expend money for surveying and other documentation. Ms. Therese Dwyer eventually scolded (economic development director) Mr. Mike Scala about a trend that appears to be emerging.
The evening concluded with Mr. Scala conveying, after being grilled as to "who" they were and whom "they" had met with a critical piece of information slipped out! Two words, "CONSERVATION COMMISSION". To an untrained, inattentive ear, that would appear inconsequential. To me, this was a mission into the land of right of access to public meetings and records. I spent half an hour scrolling through Conservation Commission agendas and minutes from the past two years. I finally gave up and conceded to emailing Mr. Scala to give me a possible hint of when this meeting took place. Mr. Scala graciously emailed me back and informed me he had forwarded this onto the City Attorney, Terrance O'Rourke as a 91a request. Fair enough.
Minutes later, Attorney O'Rourke copied me on an email from Senior Planner Mr. Ryan O'Connor stating that the minutes had been posted. Funny, minutes later, the draft minutes of July 27, 2022 Conservation Commission were on the website and...wait...SURPRISE...THE SUBJECT WAS BRICKYARD! Check it out on the website.
However, where is the posted AGENDA for this Conservation Commission meeting? It is MIA!
The Conservation Commission AGENDA of July 27, 2022 is not on the website nor can I find it within city emails that I receive! Is this the "secret" meeting? Generally, public meetings are held in the City Council Chambers or conference rooms, however, conservation commission meetings are held at the Rochester Police Department, tucked away on the second floor. An issue earlier this year with the appointment review committee not having a properly posted agenda resulted in the mayor scolding the members of this committee and nullifying actions!
Coincidentally, Senior Planner Mr. Ryan O'Connor is the "professional staff member" of the conservation commission, author of the July 27 Con Com minutes and attended the Planning Board Meeting of Aug. 22 in an official capacity.
Mr. Ryan O'Connor sat there, closed mouthed and hung Scala out to dry. Nice teamwork there.
Mr. Ryan O'Connor STRIPPED US OF OUR RIGHTS TO KNOW WHAT GOVERNMENT IS DOING! Shame! I harbor no ill will towards the Conservation Commission, I don't think they knew of this issue.
Mr. Clifford Newton referred to the "stench" of back-room deals. Perhaps it should be elevated to "putrid" behavior on the part of a city employee. Someone needs drastic remedial training to learn about 91A. Additionally, where were the Ward 3 City Councilors? You might have considered attending to support your fellow Gonicians! Just saying!
Trust in the Process and Never Lose the Faith of the Public.
- Susan Rice