ROCHESTER - The City of Rochester Department of Public Works has begun the conversion of streetlights to high efficiency LED's (light emitting diodes).
Affinity LED Lighting out of Dover has been contracted to retrofit approximately 1,450 municipally owned streetlights to high efficiency LED light fixtures. Crews started work on Monday and plan to have half of the city completed by June.
Affinity Lighting has other project commitments, so they will be remobilizing in the fall to complete the conversion by the end of November.
The field work will consist of a single bucket truck working at each existing streetlight for a period not expected to last more than one hour per location. There will be no impact to residents' electrical service during this time. The only noticeable change may be the color of the light changing from a yellowish hue to a sharp white color. The new fixtures are utilizing a light intensity that meets recommendations suggested by the American Medical Association.
The LED retrofits are projected to cost just under $350,000 and should result in annual electricity cost savings of over $95,000 per year. The LED light fixtures have an expected lifespan of 20 years. Costs for the retrofit conversions are being offset by a $100,000 Energy Efficiency grant provided by Eversource.
If there are any specific questions regarding this work, please contact John Storer, Director of City Services, Department of Public Works at (603) 332-4096.