DOVER - A 36-year-old Rochester man has been indicted on nine intent-to distribute drug charges stemming from a 2020 arrest by city police.
Cory Ayers, with a last known address of Grove Street, was formerly charged by a Strafford County grand jury on Nov. 17.
Ayers is accused of trafficking ethlheptedrone, flualprazolam, fluromethamphetamine, 5-methoxy, Alpha-Pyrrolidinohexanophenone, Dimethyltryptamine, 3-methylemetrcathinone, Psilocybin and methoxyphencyclidine.
All of the drugs listed are either natural or synthetic hallucinagens, synthetic psychadelics, synthetic stimulants or what are known as designer drugs, which are also synthetic and designed to produce a euphoric state.
Ayers was arrested in Rochester on Nov. 27, 2020.
Each charge carries a 10-20 year sentence in New Hampshire State Prison and a $300,000 fine.
The November grand jury indictments were released to the public on Wednesday.
An indictment is no an indication of guilt, rather that enough evidence has been presented to move forward to trial.