ROCHESTER - With the snow melting and better weather on hand, burn permits are now required.
Residents are always welcome to stop by in person to either Central Fire Station (Wakefield Street) or Gonic Station (Main Street) for a permit, however please keep in mind that the department may be responding to emergency situations which could necessitate a wait.
Some general rules include.
For any open burning a written fire permit is required. Even with the permit, no open burning is allowed between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm unless it is raining.
When the ground where you are burning is completely covered with snow no fire permit is required. However, be sure to check local ordinances that might restrict winter-time burning.
The permittee will be required to have suppression equipment on site while the burning is being done and the fires will have to be totally extinguished or be constantly attended.
Air quality regulations restrict the type of material burned in the open. Stumps, painted or treated lumber, tires, tubes, plastics, foam rubber and shingles are some of the prohibited materials.
Residents can apply for a a burn permit online here.