ROCHESTER - In November, after more than 25 years of service, Rochester Police Chief Paul Toussaint announced his retirement, effective tomorrow.
"I'm honored to have served as Police Chief for the past 5 years," said Toussaint. "It's been a privilege to work with so many dedicated people in this department. I wish them all the best."
According to David Stevens, Police Commission Chairman, current Deputy Chief, Gary Boudreau, will advance to Toussaint's vacated seat and Captain Jason Thomas will be promoted to Deputy Chief.
"Thankfully we have a good succession plan in place," said Stevens. "We have two success stories here, Gary and Jason have worked in Rochester for their entire careers. We're in good hands with them and grateful for their continued service."
Boudreau is a native of Rochester. He's been with the Police Department for 24 years, taking over as Deputy Chief in 2017. Over the course of his career, Boudreau served as a Patrol Officer, DARE Officer, School Resource Officer, Evidence Technician, Patrol Supervisor, Patrol and Support Division Commander, and Commander of the Strafford County Tactical Team.
"It's been a privilege to serve the people of Rochester over the years," said Boudreau. "I look forward to working with Jason (Capt. Jason Thomas) to continue the great work happening here in Rochester."
Thomas started his career in the Rochester Police Explorer program while a teenager at Spaulding High School. He's held several positions since, including Communications Specialist, Patrol Officer, Training Coordinator, Sergeant, Lieutenant. He was promoted to Captain in 2016. Thomas also served as a Field Training Officer, First Line Supervision, Defensive Tactics Instructor, Incident Management, Internal Affairs, MEB Instructor, Homicide Investigation, Command Training, OC Instructor, and Physical Agility Instructor, to name a few. He is also a graduate of the 256th FBI National Academy.
The Changing of the Guard ceremony will take place in the Rochester Opera House today at 1:30 p.m.