Editor's note: The search committee for a town administrator was created to ensure a more fair selection process, according to Jeremy Bourgeois. The impetus for the creation of the panel was mischaracterized in an earlier version of this story.
MILTON - Selectmen hastily revamped their Special Meeting agenda on Wednesday, going immediately into a nonpublic session before reviewing specifications of a permanent Town Administrator Contract.
Selectman Mike Beaulieu opened the meeting by announcing the change, prompting a reporter there to ask for a clarification.
"It's all part of the same thing," he said brushing aside any objection.
The first item of the agenda had been to discuss in open session a contract for the permanent town administrator, a position vacant after the firing last month of interim administrator Jeremy Bourgeois.
It should be noted that a half hour before the meeting began, it still had not been posted on the marquee outside town offices on White Mountain Highway.
The error of omission regarding public notice of selectmen meetings is the latest in a series of eyebrow raising incidents that have occurred in the past several weeks following the firing of Bourgeois and the hasty move toward hiring his permanent replacement, one of the reported leading candidates being none other than the Selectmen Chair Tom Gray.
Gray wasn't at Wednesday's meeting, and no reason why was offered by Beaulieu, who appeared to be in charge.
Meanwhile, Bourgeois, who was terminated hastily last month, told The Lebanon Voice the Selectmen Beaulieu and Andrew Rawson sought to "sweep" Gray into the position, which drew concern from department heads who helped to create the search committee.
"The interview panel was started because the other two selectmen had grand plans to sweep Mr. Gray into the TA position," he said. "A resident told me in person that he was approached about filling Tom's seat when he's appointed TA.
Bourgeois further told The Lebanon Voice he never made the statement that one of the members of the search committee alluded to in a nonpublic session held by selectmen and the search committee on May 16. When those nonpublic minutes were inadvertently sent to Bourgeois, he emailed selectmen Beaulieu and Andrew Rawson and the member of the search committee who had repeated the alleged statement, which basically said Bourgeois told a candidate, "Don't bother applying for the TA position, because it's mine."
Bourgeois said in the email he told them he was appalled that the untrue statement had been repeated - and being a professional - of course he would never say something like that. He also said it would be foolish of him to say that because the individual in question had already applied.
None of those sent the email replied, said Bourgeois, who added selectmen refused to talk with him during subsequent meetings.
After he emailed the three again, he got a call from the town counsel who said he'd advised them not to talk to him.
"I replied to him (town counsel) he can speak with my attorney regarding it," Bourgeois told The Lebanon Voice.
Soon afterward he said Beaulieu came into his office and told him he could either "cut the bullshit or pack (your) shit and leave."
"I said I would stop sending emails but won't stop seeking legal advice," Bourgeois said. "When he (Beaulieu) left the office I stepped out to meet with my attorney. On the way back to the office Mike called me and asked if I was coming back. I replied yes and he said he needed to see me. Once I got in he came into my office and stated him and Andy had an emergency meeting and that I was terminated."
Bourgeois says the board misinterpreted his statement and that he hadn't threatened a lawsuit.
"I asked a simple question and got no answers. Despite their minutes and Selectman Rawson's comments, at no time did I threaten to sue the BOS. ... I simply contacted an attorney regarding the false statement made."
He further stated for the record that he never emailed Gray about the minutes he inadvertently received or anything else about the job.
"I emailed Tom Gray to let him know about what was going on with the town attorney and selectman Beaulieu coming into my office. At no time did I tell Tom anything about the process or send him minutes. Again, I've never seen the interview panel minutes. Despite knowing who the top candidate was from the BOS minutes, I did not reveal any of that information."
Bourgeois, himself, noted that he and Gray were likely two of the lesser qualified applicants.
"The other candidates interviewed all were current town administrators/managers or had years of previous experience," he said earlier this week.
A final bitter pill for Bourgeois to swallow was the posting of nonpublic minutes describing his termination during a special selectmen's meeting by telephone conference call between Beaulieu and Rawson that sought to justify his firing.
"The minutes are inaccurate as well as Rawson's comments," Bourgeois said. "It appears they were purposely not sealed in order to paint me in a bad light."