The Bank of New Hampshire has contributed $10,000 to help kickstart a fund-raising campaign for Rochester’s city branding initiative.
The grant was announced earlier this week by Gerry Gilbert, Chair of the Rochester Branding Steering Committee.
In a Monday press release, Vickie Routhier, Vice President of Marketing from Bank of New Hampshire, said “We are very excited to be involved in this project. As an organization that recently evaluated and changed our own identity, we fully understand the importance of matching your brand to who you really are.”
The steering committee effort began two years ago when representatives of local business, organizations and institutions met and worked towards a public driven and funded effort to create and promote a brand to be in economic development initiatives by all stakeholders in the community.
No decisions are being made as to an actual brand, only to raise the necessary funds and secure a consultant to bring the community through a comprehensive public input process to build consensus within the entire community. An RFP was developed and through an interview process the Glen Group of Conway, N.H., was chosen to assist and lead the community in the process.
Rochester Main Street is acting as fiscal agent for the branding initiative so that all donations to the effort are tax deductible as allowed by law. Said executive director Michael Provost, “The volunteers and Board of Directors at Rochester Main Street are happy to donate their services to such an effort that can have a lasting impact on the efforts citizens, businesses, organizations and institutions work on to increase and help attract visitors and investment in the city of Rochester.
For more information on the branding initiative, to make a donation or to request a presentation please contact Community Steering Committee Chair Gerry Gilbert at 603-2610, x 112 or