LEBANON - When area music legend Ron Jones takes the stage Friday afternoon at Lebanon's 3rd Annual Medical Marijuana celebration it will be almost a year since his horrific accident on River Road when he was critically injured when his Honda Civic crashed head-on into a Jeep.
"It will be kind of emotional cause the accident was just a few days later," Jones said on Wednesday. "It's kind of like a comeback."
Jones suffered multiple injuries in the crash and spent weeks at a Boston hospital and later at a New Hampshire rehab center.
His right leg and hip required the insertion of 15 screws, and Jones has spent time on a walker and crutches since his rehab began.
But he said the time he's spent convalescing has not been wasted.
"I've written a lot of songs," he said. "I'm hoping to have a new album next year."
Jones has been a rock 'n' roll staple of the northern Seacoast for decades. He formerly was frontman of his Ron Jones Band, but before the accident had been doing solo gigs, including weekly appearances at Gary's Sports Bar in Rochester.
Jones said he's feeling pretty good right now and he's looking forward to his first gig in almost a year.
He said he'll be playing with a friend, Tom Eschman of Rochester, who plays lead guitar.
"We'll be doing a lot of originals and a lot of standards," Jones said.
To celebrate his return to the stage, medical marijuana festival organizer Terri Poirier organized a special contest called the "Ron Jones Challenge."
Poirier distributed copies of a poem she wrote about Jones and his comeback to all musical guests, challenging them to come up with the music to set her poem/lyrics to.
"That's pretty cool that she wrote that song, it's really good," said Jones, who is expected to take the stage at Wind Shadows Farm at the corner of Shapleigh and Center roads in Lebanon on Friday from 4-6 p.m.
For more info on the medical marijuana festival click here.