MILTON MILLS - Thank you reception invite - Saturday, Oct 8 10:30 am to 12:30 pm at the library
Join us on Saturday, October 8, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. to celebrate Library Director Betsy Baker's 17 years of service to the library! The Trustees and Friends of the Milton Free Public Library welcome all of our library patrons to join us for a thank you reception to honor Library Director Betsy Baker, who is leaving her position. We are so sorry to see her go, but so appreciative of everything she has done for the library!
** Save the Date - The Halloween Party is Back!
On Saturday, October 29 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. all children are welcome to come in costume and bring a pillowcase to decorate for the big night. We'll have refreshments and spooky games and stories to enjoy. We look forward to seeing you!!
** Library of Things
As you probably know, libraries aren't just about books anymore! In addition to our online resources, we also have neat things you can borrow, like a telescope (it's a perfect time for viewing the stars now the weather is cooler and dryer), an instant camera, a light table, adventure backpacks, kites, and much more. Is there something you'd like to be able to borrow, that might otherwise be out of reach for your family? Let us know!
** Story Stroll at Branch Hill Farm
Due to weather and bugs you may not have had a chance to make it to Branch Hill Farm yet for the story stroll, but don't worry, Inky will still be up to his sneaky tricks until later in the year. The fall weather is perfect for a stroll through the woods.
Branch Hill Farm is located at 307 Applebee Road in Milton Mills. The story stroll is located across the street from the farm. Look for the Moose Mountains Regional Greenways Adventure Club signs. Head to the left as you walk across the field. The first page of the story is at the beginning of the trail into the woods. Enjoy!
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Milton Free Public Library
13 Main Street
PO Box 127
Milton Mills, NH 03852