LEBANON - People from New Hampshire and Maine who believe a new federal program touted as the answer to America’s education woes will take their fight to have it abolished to a Newington cinema tonight.
One of their champions is conservative radio talk show host Glenn Beck, who is helping to produce the program, but there are legions of educators, politicians and just regular folk among their ranks, including Steve Wanager of Lebanon, who believes that the new federal initiative – Common Core – is among the most dangerous legislation to come out of Washington ever.
“Bureaucrats will be deciding what they’re going to teach our kids,” Wanager said on Friday. “It’s nothing more than socialist indoctrination.”
The interactive special presentation begins at 8 p.m. tonight at Fox Run Stadium 15 and RPX theaters, 45 Gosling Road, Newington, N.H. The cost is $18.
The name of the productions is “We will not conform,” and is billed as an “interactive experience where theatregoers will work with experts like Michelle Malkin, David Barton and others in pursuit of real, tangible strategies to wake up our friends and neighbors and make our voices heard” about Common Core.
Malkin is a conservative columnist and author, and Barton is a conservative minister.
The resentment against the federally mandated program has found most traction with the conservative community, but Americans from across the board have begun to sit up, take notice and join their ranks.
Common Core comprises a federal model of educational testing and preparation for those tests that effectively takes away state control of education, a long-held sovereign right of individual states, which were coaxed into coming on board with the program with the promise of billions of dollars of Obama stimulus money several years ago soon after he took office his first term.
A large chunk of the stimulus money, which was supposed to have been spent on shovel-ready infrastructure projects to jumpstart a stagnant economy, was instead used in the Common Core initiative.
Some 45 states and the District of Columbia have begun institution of Common Core, including Maine.
Anti-Common Core activists denounce the program, saying it turns young people into servile, nonthinking robots, and that bureaucrats and special interests in the government are teaming with corporate giants to determine the curriculum and the testing for that curriculum.
At stake is billions of dollars for those who win lucrative contracts to provide the testing and pretesting materials.
Wanager says Common Core radically alters what is taught as American History.
Others say the program improperly obtains and shares information from students – our children – beginning with kindergarten and ending with the fourth year of college.
Many detractors say it is nothing less than mind control and replicates the totalitarian teachings of Maoist China.
To learn more about anti-Common Core efforts in Maine visit http://www.commoncoremaine.com/.
The website also has several useful links to help citizens more fully understand the implications of this program.
To learn more about “We will not conform” visit http://wewillnotconform.com/.