LEBANON - The West Lebanon Community Circle will hold its 20th-plus annual Mother's Day Tea at the First Parish Congregational Church on Saturday, May 9.
There will be two sittings - 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. - with more than 70 people expected to attend the two sittings.
Volunteers from the Ladies Circle make the sandwiches, baked goods, scones and chocolate dipped fruits at their homes and then shuttle them to the Church Hall where tea is brewed and poured into many beautiful tea pots, along with china and antique plates that are all part of the Ladies Circle inventory.
To add further charm to the hall, the Ladies Circle members bring in beautiful old quilts from their collections and make a wall of quilts separating the tea and food area from the food preparation.
The Mother's Day Tea proceeds go toward the two scholarships awarded each year of $500 to Lebanon residents who are in a degree program.
Reservations for the tea are $10.00 and can be obtained by calling Bev Olean at 207.658.9076.