LEBANON - The annual Mother's Day Tea put on by the West Lebanon Community Ladies Circle is set for May 13.
The tea is held at the First Parish Congregational Church on the corner of Depot Street and Jim Grant Road, and will include two settings: 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
The menu includes five tea sandwiches, five scones, lemon curd and Devonshire cream, five desserts and dipped apricots and strawberries.
Also included is all the tea you can drink.
The cost is $12 with the proceeds from the tea going toward two $500 scholarship that are given every year to Lebanon residents attending a school of higher learning. There is also a raffle basket drawn that day.
To reserve you space please call or email Nancy Wyman 207 658 4259 or anyman@metrocast.net.
The tea by the community minded group has been a traditions for more than a quarter of a century.