LEBANON - The West Lebanon Community Ladies Circle is holding its annual Mother's Day Tea on Saturday, May 12.
It is held at The First Parish Congregational Church at the corners of Jim Grant Road and Center Road Lebanon, Maine.
There are two settings: 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. The cost is $12. For reservations please call Nancy Wyman 207 658 4259. The seating is limited.
The tea consist of five tea sandwiches, four different types of scones, five desserts and dipped strawberries, also all tea you can drink.
The food is all made by members of the Ladies Circle. They have been holding this for more than 25 years.
There will also be a raffle basket.
Proceeds benefit the Ladies Circle Scholarship fund, which gives two $500 scholarships annually to Lebanon residents pursuing a higher education.