To everyone out there in Rochester Voice land:
On this day a child was born, and we are all blessed by His life and sacrifice.
Let us pray that the spirit of this holiday can last far into 2021 and beyond.
And let us remember the blessings that we enjoy each and every day, and the knowledge that we are forever in charge of our own destiny as individuals, as a nation and as a people.
Let us remember we are forever beholden to those who sacrificed their lives to keep this country free.
And let us remember that the spirit of Christmas lives in us, but it is up to us to let it shine its warmth on those around us.
We rejoice knowing that former Marine Evan Liberty of Rochester, who was pardoned by President Trump on Tuesday for war crimes he did not commit, will see his first Christmas outside of prison in six years.
How can you not be joyful and exult in His divine providence?
Merry Christmas everyone!
- Martha T. Soto Galicia,
President, The Rochester Voice