Your Voice: A word from candidate Corinna Cole
Sunday, March 9, 2014 12:11 pm
 Corinna Cole
To the editor:
Hello my name is Corinna Cole and I would like your vote for Selectman on March 11th. I am running for Selectman because I love Lebanon, I have lived her for over 30 years and want it to continue to be a place my children will always want to call home....
I am one who does not like to be in the spotlight but enjoy being involved in various projects. I have been involved in the community over the years in many ways. When I see a problem I work to fix it...or at least find someone who can! Again and again I hear "you have to have the Selectmen initiate that…" So I figured why not become one!
I am very interested in improving the business culture in Lebanon. I have owned my own Marketing and Promotional Products business, Bluebird Promotions, since 2005. I am an avid business networker, which prompted me to started a chapter of Showcase Business Networking here in Lebanon in 2011 which ran for almost 2 years. I am in the process of gathering information to create a business directory and perhaps start another networking group in the near future.
- Corinna Cole
selectman candidate