Was there a 'slip up' in signage?

Staff reports 7:54 a.m.

Was there a 'slip up' in signage?

DPW officials say the Strafford Square Roundabout is a "Modern Roundabout" designed to enhance safety and improve traffic flow. (Courtesy photo/Voice graphics)

ROCHESTER - The City of Rochester released a statement on Friday seeking to clarify the proper use of the so-called "slip lane" at the Strafford Square Roundabout on North Main Street.
"The city has received feedback indicating that some drivers may be confused about the use of the slip lane," according to officials.
The statement notes that the slip lane serves two main purposes. First, it provides access to properties along the north side of the roundabout. Secondly, it also offers additional capacity for outbound traffic on North Main Street during peak hours.
To reduce further confusion, the City's Public Works Department is considering removing the word "Abutters" from the sign near the slip lane.
DPW officials say the Strafford Square Roundabout is a "Modern Roundabout" designed to enhance safety and improve traffic flow. Unlike traditional intersections, Modern Roundabouts have been shown to reduce accidents, injuries, and congestion, while also lowering noise and air pollution.
"The design encourages slower speeds, which significantly reduces the severity of accidents and virtually eliminates the most serious types of crashes common at conventional intersections," the statement reads. "Public Works encourages residents to familiarize themselves with the benefits and operation of this efficient traffic control system."
For more information on how to navigate a Modern Roundabout, please visit www.rochesternh.gov/public-works or contact the Institute for Highway Safety (IHS) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) for Roundabouts & Traffic Engineering (RTE) at www.roundabouts.us.