Vietnam-era veterans' luncheon part of nationwide thank you for their service

Harrison Thorp 10:06 a.m.

Vietnam-era veterans' luncheon part of nationwide thank you for their service

The 50-year commemorative seal, left, and the 50-year commemorative lapel pin. (Courtesy images)

Less than a month from now, the Portsmouth VFW Post #168 will be hosting a very special luncheon to honor and thank all the area veterans who served during the Vietnam War era.

"It's to thank all those who served, whether they served in Vietnam or here in the states," said one of the organizers, Marga Coulp.

The event held to honor these veterans, one of thousands to be held across the country, is part of an official 50-year commemoration, which began with a presidential address in Washington on Memorial Day 2012 and will end on Veterans Day, 2025.

It will recognize all veterans who served from Nov. 1, 1955, until May 15, 1975, when the U.S. cargo ship Mayaguez was seized by Khmer Rouge forces, which is considered the official end of the conflict.

The luncheon (free to Vietnam-era veterans) will be held on Jan. 8 at 2 p.m. at the Hellenic Center, 219 Longhill Road, Dover, with all veterans receiving special 50-year commemorative lapel pins. Doors will open with snacks available at 1:30 p.m.

Coulp said all Vietnam War era veterans can also sign up for a free trip for two to Oahu, Hawaii, coming up this May.

She said 10 trips for veterans and their spouse or partner will be paid for with fund-raising money, all of which is already raised except for about $3,500.

The location of Oahu is significant because all servicemen and women who served in Vietnam returned to the states via Oahu, including returning POWs.

The Portsmouth VFW is also looking for sponsors for the event to help with additional fund-raising.

The 50-year commemorative event was enacted by an act of Congress in 2007 and designed to continue for a long time, in part because the war, itself, lasted such a long time.

Coulp said veterans from Maine are just as welcome at the Dover luncheon.

"The big thing now is getting the word out," she said. "They deserve this."

For nonveteran guests, the luncheon will cost a $15 donation.

For more information, contact
Marga Coulp

603-235-0550 (text or call)

Cathie Chevalier

603-498-9333 (text or call)