LEBANON - House 20 write-in candidate Harrison Thorp begins a series of radio ads on The Legends radio station out of Sanford beginning on Thursday hoping to catapult his longshot campaign bid into the forefront.
"These ads were developed with the hope of reaching the older generation that might not have tuned into Harrison's message via social media," said campaign treasurer Martha T. Soto-Galicia. "The Legends plays music from the '50s and '60s, and that's just the market we're trying to reach."
The 30-second spots will air throughout the day on Thursday through Saturday, Soto-Galicia said.
A series of one-minute ads ran earlier this week detailing Thorp's plan to curb welfare abuse and make sure folks on entitlement programs have incentives to return to the workforce.
The 30-second spots beginning Thursday, meanwhile, focus on his desire to bring good-paying factory jobs to the Route 202 corridor in Lebanon and to build consensus by reaching across the aisle in Augusta, something his opponents won't do, Soto-Galicia said.
More information on the ads can be found on his website, http://harrisonforrepseat20 and his Facebook page keyword harrisonforrepseat20.
The Legends broadcasts at 1220 AM and 102.3 FM.