Tale of the tapes show if anyone is trying to rig the election, it's mainstream media

9:20 a.m.

Tale of the tapes show if anyone is trying to rig the election, it's mainstream media

You have to admit it's ironic that Hillary Rodham Clinton, who along with her husband have always blamed a vast right-wing conspiracy for all of their countless scandals and bad press, will have to blame a vast left-wing conspiracy that includes collusion with the media and organized violence at Donald Trump rallies if she ends up losing on Nov. 8.
The conspiracy goes all the way to the White House, with President Obama saying voter fraud is virtually nonexistent and Trump should "stop whining."
To see President Obama saying that voter fraud is a fact of life in our country while a candidate for the presidency in 2008, CLICK HERE.
Now, while Obama's talking out of both sides of his mouth is somewhat nettlesome, the media's blatant malfeasance in its coverage of Trump is downright troubling.
A few examples:
In the first debate, NBC's Lester Holt asked 15 tough, probative questions of Trump, but only two of Clinton.
On the Today show as one of the first hacked email dumps from Wikileaks surfaced, Savannah Guthrie noted that some from the Clinton camp suggested they had been hacked by the Russians. When Holt recycled the story for the evening news the verbiage had changed to "an apparent hack by the Russians," this with no additional confirmation from any government or investigative sources.
A Boston Globe editor discussed with Clinton campaign workers how to "maximize" her coverage on a swing through New Hampshire.
A CNN reporter gave the Clinton camp advanced info on a question on the death penalty that might come up at a town hall forum with Bernie Sanders.
The New York Times gave her veto power over quotes in stories written about her. As a 30-year journalist, I can tell you one of the sacrosanct principles of interviews is you NEVER let them see the story, or vet the story, before publication.
Now, if you're a political junkie like I like to think I am, you already know this.
But consider the casual news follower - or someone who doesn't read a newspaper or magazine at all - but just watches TV news or looks at the headlines.
There is a staggering majority of news articles and airtime given to negative Trump stories. Now if you're a hardcore Democrat, you might say, "And your point is?" or "Duh, Trump's a neanderthal."
That's well and good for you as a Clinton supporter, but not for the mainstream media.
One TV anchor, referring to two stories that had surfaced, one on a lady accusing Trump of groping her, another on a Clinton-damning Wikileak email, opined, "Let's see, what story wins?" she said. "Yep, you're right, the groping story."
Now if you notice on all the Trump groping stories, the oh-so-proper and pious networks remind everyone, "(the network) hasn't confirmed this story" but they sure damn well run with it, don't they?
So now, this guy called James O'Keefe and his organization called Project Veritas (veritas means truth in Latin) has published several videos that seem to indicate that the DNC had its hands all over a scheme to foment violence at Trump rallies.
To watch one of those videos, CLICK HERE.
So this above-linked video and others, including one about voter fraud in New York in which "busloads" of voters go from one poll to the other to cast ballots, has been out there for several days, yet no network is reporting on them.
Now, I for one, think this issue and these videos are just as significant a story as a 20-year-old accusation about an unwanted kiss from Trump.
So why wouldn't the networks report the story? They can't say they won't run it because they can't confirm its veracity. Why? Because they ran with all the Trump groping stories without a shred of evidence. So why not this?
Some of the networks have feebly covered the story, because two of the subjects in the video depicting a strategy of inciting violence at Trump rallies quickly stepped down from their positions working for Clinton operatives after the video surfaced.
During a press conference shown on C-SPAN, one reporter said one of those subjects was a convicted felon who had reportedly met with Obama almost 50 times and been to the White House more than 300.
To see that video CLICK HERE.
So why aren't these latest bombshells - as we have come to call them - being reported?
Because the media is bias and the "rigged" notion being floated by Trump and others can nowhere be more obviously seen than in their coverage of this presidential election.
Negative stories are smattered throughout the online and print media every day, with Trump getting about four to Clinton's one.
Just yesterday I was working out at Planet Fitness and watching the CNN ticker at the bottom of a TV screen.
I can't remember verbatim what it said over and over but it was something like this.
"Trump accused by another groper ... Troops close in on Mosul ... Trump accused of bringing down our democracy ... floodwaters ravage Northeast ... Trump says all female accusers will be sued once he's president ... Clinton campaign handling email dumps"
Anyway, you get the picture.
Finally with all this talk about Trump kissing women without their permission, I decided to conduct my own Project Veritas investiation. I asked about 10 guys if they'd ever asked a woman for permission to kiss them. Everyone - and I have this on secret footage - said, "No."
So what do we learn from this? We learn not to run for public office ever again.