Sununu rolls out ASAP testing program, will be among first to use it.

Staff reports 9:30 a.m.

Sununu rolls out ASAP testing program, will be among first to use it.

Gov. Chris Sununu says he'll get a test this weekend. (Tony Schinella, photo)

CONCORD - Gov. Sununu began his press conference on Friday by unveiling a new COVID-19 testing initiative titled Asymptomatic Spread Assessment Program, or ASAP.

The ASAP program seeks to have as many Granite Staters go get tests at any chosen test site, including the National Guard Armory on Brock Street.

"We want everyone to get a test and find out if they're positive," Gov. Sununu said. "There is a lot of asymptomatic spread."

In fact, DHHS Commissioner Lori Shibinette added that she was shocked at even how many elderly residents at nursing and assisted living home - folks in their 80s and 90s - had the coronavirus without symptoms.

Sununu urged that folks young and old should step up to the plate and get the test, adding that he was going to take it this weekend. He said the more tests the more data, and the more data, the better able we are to fight the virus.

"I'm pretty healthy, but I'm curious if I've got it," he quipped.

To schedule a test go to

Meanwhile, Shibinette on Friday announced 80 new positive cases, four new hospitalizations and five deaths, four of which were in elderly congregate living facilities.