So much taxpayer money spent, so little to show for it

5:52 a.m.

So much taxpayer money spent, so little to show for it

A rendering of the proposed new Riverside Rest Home that was proposed but rejected (Courtesy photo)

To the residents of Strafford County:

Do you have your copy of the $2.2 million dollar book you paid for?
December 2022 Strafford County Democrat State Representative Delegates voted to give County Commissioners and Administration a $6,261,184 blank check in the form of bonding approval. This vote was taken with virtually no background info, guidelines or oversight on spending. In fact the vote was taken minutes after being offered. Have we spent some of that money? You betcha!
Here are the dates the checks were written and the amounts paid for this 'book'
1/12/23 $12,668.91
4/27/23 $56,346.84
4/27/23 $72,511.50
8/17/23 $133,272.60
8/17/23 $159,339.20
10/5/23 $227,027.68
11/23/23 $720,546.12
12/31/23 $533.935.58
Total $1,915, 618.43
But wait. We are not done. A check for $60,000 for a new nursing home conceptual design was paid September 2022 and, with no apparent appropriation.
it is important to note that the County took no bond out while 8 out of the nine checks listed were written and cashed. Then, in early December 2023, the County did not take out a bond but instead, took out a short term (12 month) Bond Anticipation Note (BAN).
This BAN was for $6,261,184 with an interest rate of 4.29% adding $267,112.54 in interest to the amount we owe for this "book" The BAN with interest payment is due this December.
So, let's add the $60k paid in 2022 plus the interest due from the BAN $267,112.54 and we have a new total cost for our book of $2,242,730.97.
All that money spent and nothing to show for it but a book!
If that isn't bad enough, GOFERR, a state agency wrote a check (forgivable loan) to the County for $15,353,548.00 for the new Nursing Home Project in 2023. GOFERR then stopped payment on that amount on March 18, 2024. The check (forgivable loan) was canceled due to breech of contract. The County Commissioners and Administration could not deliver what they had promised.
So, where are we now?

We are out $2,242,730.97 of borrowed money that we spent and have to pay back this December. Additionally, $15,353,548.00 that we had in our hands was taken back. IT IS GONE!
All the above information is backed up by original intent documents and easily verified.
I have asked for an investigation, We deserve answers. The County Commissioners and the Delegation Chairman's reply to my request... CRICKETS. The above is a big reason for my running for County Commissioner. County government needs to be accountable and should't be allowed to continue 'fast and loose' spending like what they have done in the above example.
Above is what the $2.2 million dollar book that the taxpayers of Strafford County paid for.

- Cliff Newton,
