Selectman candidate profile: Robie Marsters

Selectman candidate profile: Robie Marsters | robie marsters,selectman's race

 Editor’s note: This is the second of what is hoped to be five profiles of your selectman candidates. They are being published in the order in which they were received by The Lebanon Voice. All candidates were asked the same three questions.

Meet Robie Marsters


Age 60, occupation: truck driver; married, two children, three wonderful grandchildren


Why are you running?

I am running to bring trust and honesty of the Selectman's office back to the people of this great town, so that they are aware of what is going on and what we will be facing. This will bring more interest and involvement back to the town government.

What is the single most crucial issue that Lebanon must address?

It's hard to pick just one issue that is the most crucial, but we could start by making all departments accountable financially and ethically. This will bring the respect back to the departments, and the selectman's office.

Why do you think you offer more than other candidates?

I can sum it up in one word why I would offer more than other candidates: honesty. I'm not afraid to face the facts and work in the best interest of the town and not for my own personal gain.

This town needs, this, above all else. We have not had honest people in office for too long. Anyone that knows me, knows that above all else, I am honest.