Police investigating drowning of two teenage brothers at Springvale recreation area
Staff reports 8:28 a.m
SANFORD - Two Sanford teenage brothers appear to have drowned on Sunday in the waters off Holdsworth Park in Springvale. Police got involved around 11 p.m. on Sunday after getting a call reporting that two 17-year-old brothers had not returned home for their curfew, according to a Sanford Police press release sent out today. It was reported that they had gone to Springvale's Holdsworth Park recreation area to swim, but when the brothers did not return home Sanford Police were contacted. Sanford Police along with the Sanford Fire Department then responded to Holdsworth Park and located the juvenile's vehicle. An ensuing search of the park and nearby waters located the two juveniles in the water deceased. The investigation is ongoing by Sanford Police and the state Medical Examiner's Office, but officials say foul play is not suspected at this time. The names of the victims were not released.