N.H. Voices: Donations sought to protect wildlife species

N.H. Voices: Donations sought to protect wildlife species

Not yet endangered, the grey fox is considered one of many 'threatened' species. (Courtesy photo)

CONCORD, N.H. - Granite State residents have an opportunity this fall to make a real difference in helping the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department's Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program put "boots on the ground" to protect wildlife and endangered species in New Hampshire.
"We are beginning the second phase of our work to protect habitat for Blanding's and wood turtles," explained Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program Supervisor John Kanter. "The federal agency called the Natural Resources Conservation Service, or NRCS, is poised to invest in a big way to help these species by constructing nesting sites, conserving land and educating landowners. The limiting factor for getting this work done is wildlife expertise for developing new practices and monitoring key focus areas."
Folks can show their support by donating
online at www.nhfishandgame.com/Donations.aspx, or by mail at
Please make tax-deductible contributions by December 31, 2016.
The Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program will advise NRCS District Conservationists around New Hampshire on how they can work most effectively with private landowners to help turtles and other wildlife. Landowners can apply for federal funds to help them protect vulnerable species. The Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program knows the critical habitats and stands ready to help landowners make the best use of these resources.
"We have to work with many partners to help these rare turtles," said Kanter. "Coordination is essential because more than 70% of the land in New Hampshire is privately owned."
The Wildlife Action Plan calls for effective coordination between the Nongame Program and federal agencies that direct funding to projects focused on increasing the protection of wildlife that rely on habitat on working farms and forests. Funds raised through this fall appeal will help Fish and Game, in partnership with the NRCS and UNH Cooperative Extension, to:
  • Provide the critical link to the most effective use of endangered species protection project funds - biological expertise and technical assistance.
  • Teach landowners how to recognize turtle nesting sites, as well as field habitats for birds like the bobolink and eastern meadowlark.
  • Advise farmers about mowing techniques that can significantly reduce mortality among already reduced populations of wood turtles.
The N.H. Fish and Game Department's Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program works to protect over 400 species of mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians, as well as thousands of insects and other invertebrates. Learn more at www.wildnh.com/nongame.