Monday's Holocaust remembrance march comes at poignant, disturbing time

11:10 a.m.

Monday's Holocaust remembrance march comes at poignant, disturbing time

California Highway Patrol officers during tense night of rioting earlier this week at UCLA (Youtube video)

Fifty-five Holocaust survivors from around the world, including Holocaust survivors who were victims of Hamas' Oct. 7 massacre in Israel, will participate in this year's March of the Living tomorrow in Poland where thousands will walk from the former Nazi death camp at Auschwitz to another one in Birkenau.
While the March of the Living commemorates the tragedy of the Holocaust when more than five million Jews were put to death under Hitler's regime, the backdrop in this country is also horrific.
The widespread anti-semitism being displayed on college campuses is revolting to watch and hard to understand, but one thing is certain: these are not organic, grass-roots demonstrations in support of Hamas. This is a heavily funded, well-coordinated and orchestrated attack on our country, from within.
More than 2,000 protesters at some 40 colleges across 26 states have been arrested in the past few weeks, many of them elite Ivy League schools.
But recent news reports have surfaced that show about half of those arrested have no affiliation with the colleges where they rioted.
They're simply outside agitators funded by far-left dark money groups.
Encampments at Harvard, Yale, UC-Berkeley, Ohio State and Emory in Georgia were organized by branches of Students for Justice in Palestine, which gets cash (some direct, some indirect) from the Soros family "charities" as well as the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and retired Wall Street banker Felice Gelman, according to the New York Post.
Gelman and the Soroses also give to Jewish Voice for Peace and Within Our Lifetime, two more groups intimately involved in the protests.
At least three organizers -- Malak Afaneh (Berkeley), Craig Birckhead-Morton (Yale) and Nidaa Lafi (University of Texas-Dallas) -- are paid fellows of another lefty-philanthropy favorite, the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights, The Post reported.
So the havoc these riots wreaked have no similarity to the protests my generation was part of in the 1960s.
Far from it. We were trying to stop the war in Vietnam. We were fighting for civil rights.
LBJ's administration was lying to Americans about how the war was going, just like President Biden is lying to us when he says the border is secure, the economy is flourishing and the United States is better off getting its oil from Venezuela and Russia than producing it more cleanly ourselves.
The irony is that while the Hamas protests are bought and paid for (the tents look like they came straight out of Dick's Sporting Goods) and not organic, they still could affect the November election, because much of the far-left Democrat base, including The Squad, is pro-Hamas and anti-American.
Rank and file Americans are largely watching these protest unfold open-mouthed, unable to grasp that this is actually happening in our country.
Why hasn't Sen. Majority leader Chuck Schumer - the highest-ranking elected Jewish leader in U.S. history - been more forceful in his condemning the protests, which have often turned violent with Jewish students being chased from their college just weeks before commencement.
It took the violent takeover of a Columbia administration building for Schumer to finally call out the protesters for their lawlessness.
Earlier this week Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., one of the House's most senior Jewish members, said that "I agree with" Schumer's actions so far, suggesting that too much attention is being paid to the campus protests against Israel. "The news media is making this a huge thing. It is, in fact, a small thing."
Is this guy even aware? A small thing? What the heck!
The FBI needs to open an investigation into the money trail that bought and paid for these violent thugs and tent cities that were heavily barricaded and well stocked with food, clothing, tactical gear, gas masks, umbrellas, bricks and medical supplies.
Some of these far-left leaning groups are very heavily funded by the haters of America. They don't like America. They want to destroy America.
We should stand up for Israel and its right to defend itself.
Hamas and Iran are responsible for what happened to them on Oct. 7, which prompted the war in Gaza.
Hamas started it. Israel has to finish it.
After 911 did America negotiate with Bin Laden? No, America killed him.

- HT