LEBANON - Lebanon Selectmen Chairman Ben Thompson said that even if the ambulance petition drive falls short of the 217 signatures needed to spur action toward a revote of the Nov. 4 ballot question that cost the town its best ambulance, the board will still discuss a possible revote.
Town office personnel had hoped to certify the signatures late Tuesday afternoon but were unable due to heavy lobby traffic, making Monday the soonest that petition organizers could hear back from the town on the validity of the more than 250 signatures gathered.
Thompson said, meanwhile, that the Maine Municipal Association had advised the board that even if the signatures are certified, the town could, in fact, decide not to act on the petition.
The MMA advises towns across the state on a host of questions and concerns put forth by selectmen and other municipal officials.
Citizens petition volunteers gathered the signatures between Friday and Tuesday after residents argued at selectmen's last meeting that confusing wording of the referendum ballot possibly misled residents into voting against their own wishes.
Residents also worried that in light of an imminent $2,000 surcharge by neighboring town rescue departments on Lebanon ambulance incidents in which Lebanon Rescue does not rspond, now is not the time to cut the department's service vehicles in half.