Who would have known Rochester's Economic Director Karen Pollard was also the Chief Liaison and On Scene Commander during the alleged 29 December 2013 drunken foray, hit and run, possible witness tampering and interference with a Rochester Police investigation?
Karen Pollard at the time had the distinction of being Deputy City Manager for the city of Rochester. Her incessant manipulation in front of the investigating officers during the situation was nothing less than appalling.
The investigation by the Rochester Police officers should have ended when she continued to solidify her position as a "representative" for the City of Rochester. Why wasn't the New Hampshire State Police called in to conduct the investigation. When several previous Rochester elected officials were investigated, it was done by an outside agency. Doing so, would not be an anomaly.Why wasn't this case turned over to the New Hampshire Attorney General's office.
The city of Rochester has a Municipal Managers Group Agreement. Please review Article #20 of this agreement.
The City of Rochester had no reason to back Ms. Pollard. She was NOT acting in good faith, nor within the scope of her employment or office during this travesty. Remember, she was alleged to have been aware someone was injured.
Taxpayers, this contract is another "ruse" to lure you into believing the City of Rochester operates in a legitimate and transparent manner. This Rochester City Management Agreement is bogus. A criminal offense or investigation NEGATES any and ALL in-house baloney Union contracts. It crossed the line when it affects public safety and things we pay for.
City officials don't read or know their own basic rules. As a citizen, I am disheartened by the lack of knowledge on this matter by none other than Stafford County Attorney Thomas Velardi, who FAILED to view this for what I think it was, Official Oppression. Official Oppression. http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/LXII/643/643-1.htm
A public official is guilty of a misdemeanor if they tampered with witness and/or informants. It was also reported there were others at the Pollard residence when police arrived. Oppression is when a public servant knowingly commits an unauthorized act to benefit themselves or another which "purports" to be an act of their office.
I believe Ms. Pollard openly retaliated against the investigating officers when she used her position to usurp the officers' inherent legitimate authority to conduct their investigation, by phoning the Chief of Police and the City Manager. This behavior would certainly not have given the officers a feeling their job was secure. So where are the Foster's editorials calling for equal justice? Was The Lebanon Voice (a Maine news source) the driving force for Foster's to print the decision? Where are the Democrat Party Leaders denouncing Velardi's actions? Where are the County Commissioners speaking out about this? Where is the Sheriff on all of this? What about our New Hampshire Attorney General? Never wonder why it is rumored that a number of the police involved in the Pollard case have left RPD and the area. Never wonder why Strafford County and this Police Department in particular, are but a revolving door of ever leaving, good cops. Who wants to work in Law Enforcement when "some are just more equal than others." By the time the elections are over the statute of limitations on most of these crimes will have run out.
SHEEPLE will certainly be out to RE-elect Mr. Velardi again this election. It doesn't matter if Strafford County Attorney Tom Velardi claims his decision wasn't politically motivated. Mr. Velardi has held steadfast to "Commandment #1" of all Democrat Politicians: "Thou shalt not do any harm to a fellow Democrat!"
- Lou Archambault
Rochester NH