Abdominal Pain / Problems |
1 |
2.86% |
Convulsions / Seizures |
1 |
2.86% |
Falls |
1 |
2.86% |
Overdose / Poisoning (Ingestion) |
1 |
2.86% |
Psychiatric / Abnormal Behavior / Suicide Attempt |
3 |
8.57% |
Sick Person |
3 |
8.57% |
Traffic / Transportation Incident |
9 |
25.71% |
Unconscious / Fainting (Near) |
2 |
5.71% |
Breathing Problems |
1 |
2.86% |
Carbon Monoxide / Inhalation / HAZMAT / CBRNE |
3 |
8.57% |
Cardiac or Respiratory Arrest / Death |
1 |
2.86% |
Intercept |
1 |
2.86% |
Medical Alarm |
2 |
5.71% |
Other |
3 |
8.57% |
Stand By (Fire, Law, etc) |
3 |
8.57% |
Total |
35 |
100% |
Lebanon Rescue Department Call Breakdown for November 2014
The Lebanon Rescue Department answered 32 calls for service.
Runs by city town
Acton (Town of) |
1 |
2.86% |
Berwick |
1 |
2.86% |
Lebanon |
32 |
91.43% |
Rochester |
1 |
2.86% |
Total |
35 |
100% |
Type of calls:
Disposition of calls
Cancelled |
6 |
17.14% |
No Patient Presented (Stand By) |
2 |
5.71% |
No Treatment Required |
7 |
20.00% |
Treated, Patient Refused Transport |
2 |
5.71% |
Treated, Transferred Care to other EMS Service |
1 |
2.86% |
Treated, Transported by EMS (ALS) |
10 |
28.57% |
Treated, Transported by EMS (BLS) |
7 |
20.00% |
Total |
35 |
100% |
Average response times for November 2014
Enroute |
00:04:26 |
To Scene |
00:08:42 |
Time spent At Scene |
00:27:18 |
To treatment Destination |
00:17:13 |
Back in Service |
01:41:43 |
Note: Our busiest hours of the day are: 3-6pm. This block makes up 28.57% of our call volume. Busiest day of the week: Fridays.
All statistics are generated from the Maine Emergency Medical Services Run Reporting System. This program is mandated for us to report to on every call we respond to.
Prepared by Kevin Romano AAS, NRP, FO1, I/C, Deputy Chief of Operations,
Lebanon Rescue Department, 1524 Carl Broggi Highway
Lebanon, Maine 04027