Kudos to Executive Council for standing up for liberty: send the swarms elsewhere!

Kudos to Executive Council for standing up for liberty: send the swarms elsewhere!

To the Editor:

Kudos to the New Hampshire Executive Councilors for having the moral courage to stand firm with the will of "we the people" against pressure from Governor Sununu to accept the $27 million from the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).
Voting 4-1 to reject this attempt to buy NH sovereignty and liberty for such a low price is an insult. The "Live Free or Die State" will not sell their liberty for any price. All the federal strings attached amount to the creation of 13 state vaccine propaganda positions and expands the states unconstitutional vaccine registry. Imagine, such generosity, it's free! Apparently, our great, great grandkids won't care when they get the bill. But, stealing from posterity is still stealing.
DHHS bureaucrats should be aware, there's a good reason why Lenin said that "Healthcare is the keystone of the arch of the communist state." Today, brick masons are few and far between who can build an arch. They know that the arch must be supported from each side until the "keystone" with precise angles is inserted in the middle of the arch that enables the arch to be a completed with no other support. Without the keystone the arch falls. Without healthcare controls, the communist state falls.
Now if the DHHS's needs to be told their oppressive nature is challenged in the Declaration of Independence, I'll clue them in: their strategy to control people is not new. Unknown to most folks, Jefferson takes King George to task on a list of 26 infringements on the Colonists liberties. Number 10 of that list reads: "He has erected a Multitude of New Offices, and sent hither Swarms of Officers to harass our People, and eat out their Substance."
DHHS, send your officers hither in an about face, we don't need your propaganda to brainwash our people. Give the shots to yourself. For lies about the Wuhan virus vaccine are the catalyst to send "hither" swarms of officers. We the people don't want their vaccine, nor do we want to pay their salaries so they can take away our liberty.
It is a pleasure to applaud the courage of our honorable Counselors: Kenney, Stevens, Gatsas and Wheeler for representing the will of the people. For in so doing they have also protected our natural rights secured in the NH Constitution:

[Art.] 2-b. "[Right of Privacy.] An individual's right to live free from governmental intrusion in private or personal information is natural, essential, and inherent." We the people will remember you at the ballot box.

- Russell Payne,
