June is National Pet Preparedness Month, time to make a plan

9:22 a.m.

June is National Pet Preparedness Month, time to make a plan

From the NH Dept of Safety:

Your pets are an important part of your life, and they rely on you to keep them safe.

As part of National Pet Preparedness Month, the Department of Safety's Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEM) offers recommendations on how to prepare for your pet before an emergency.

Have a plan: Identify evacuation routes and a list of pet-friendly places, such as hotels, in which you can stay. Speak with neighbors, friends and relatives to identify who is available to care for your pet or help your pet during an evacuation if you are unable to do so.

Make a kit: Every member of your family, including your pet, should have three days' worth of food, water and medications. Other items to consider are a backup leash, collar and ID tag; grooming and sanitation items; a crate or carrier; and familiar items such as bedding, a favorite toy and treats.

Documentation: Keep copies of your pet's registration information, vaccination records and a list of medications. Keep a selfie of you and your pet in your emergency kit to prove ownership in case you become separated. Consider a microchip to identify your pet and help reunite you after a disaster.

"When planning for an emergency, don't forget your pets," said HSEM Director Jennifer Harper. "Planning ahead can improve you and your pet's chance of surviving a disaster."

Know what to do, and have the things you need to stay safe. Learn more about emergency preparedness at ReadyNH.gov.