It's imperative that the United States gets out of the U.N.
2:50 a.m.
To the editor: The silent crisis of the United Nations continues to move our nation into world government. Nevertheless, it is respected and protected by "deep state" control of government and the legacy media. Why is UN danger ignored? The UN is based on an ideology that the government is the grantor of human rights. It is the anti-thesis to American constitutional self-government in which life, liberty, and happiness are secured by inherent God-given rights. Why then is the UN not looked upon by our leaders as an enemy within? This UN, through all of it agencies, is essentially behind every issue that threatens American liberty. MAGA will not save our nation until we get out of the UN. Widespread disinformation is the fueling dynamite of ignorance, a barrier that chokes liberty because of lack of truth. A friend magnified this truth to me when she asked her liberal leaning relatives what the acronym "TDS" meant? Their answer revealed they didn't have a clue that it tagged them and many on the left as being infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome. They are not even on the same wave length of truth as we know it because their news deceives. This is key, and emphasizes to me how mountainous the disinformation we have to overcome to teach the truth that Jefferson's words warn us of the consequence: "If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." The MAGA movement work to restore Americanism is just starting. Although the 2024 presidential campaign turned a necessary corner, we now only have its promising potential: America last policies will be turned into America first policies. But potential and promises unkept for the best interest of the people over numerous decades still linger. The fact that we still have enemies deceiving the American public with lack of information was greatly magnified during the recent run for the White House. Candidates, Fake News and even new upcoming conservative networks failed to mention the proposed legislation to completely withdraw from the UN. The hatred manifested for independence in all of its policies through their Marxist/socialist/communist leadership add up to organized evil to hate God, family and country. The UN globalist project Agenda 21/30 to manifest control over the U.S., State sovereignty, and local laws and to destroy all private property ownership still remains an issue seldom discussed. Yes, we have President Trump's track record of withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement, UNESCO, and his initiating the withdrawal from WHO. All good moves, but we must take an ax to the UN root. Ending UN membership would end the UN umbrella of control over the U.S. and every evil attacking our nation. Our officeholders seem to embody a partiality to global UN style government and a prejudice against constitutional Americanism. Unfortunately, their actions reveal the ignorance Jefferson describes above, " ...being ignorant and free can never be."All Americans need to educate their leaders. Pick up the truth when it is stopped. The buck stops with you! The cage of silence they hide in must be rattled. Federal, State and local officials need truth. Freedom is in peril if we fail to challenge the coming Administration to support the reintroduction of the DEFUND ACT by TX Rep. Chip Roy's , H.R. 6645 & Senator Mike Lee's S.3428 to completely withdraw the U.S. from the UN and all related agencies. Without getting the U.S. out of the UN, Making America Great Again will never be! Start by watching this 16 minute video. - Russ Payne, Merrimack