Facebook removes religion column for 'violating community standards'
7:58 a.m. Updated 8:28 a.m.
Sunday, June 9, 2024 7:55 am
On D-Day, a day when we thank God for the incredible heroism of America's greatest generation who stormed Normandy beaches, The Rochester Voice was censured by a Godless Facebook. It looks like free speech is under withering attacks throughout our culture, but I was still taken aback when Facebook took down a post publicizing one of our contributors who writes a weekly "Kids Talk about God" column. The column, written by Carey Kinsolving and distributed nationwide, explores issues of religion and God by talking with youngsters, getting their thoughts on various topics. The last two weeks, he has written two columns that Facebook sensors didn't care for: "Why did God create boys" and "Why did God create Girls." Here's a graph or two from the one on boys. God made guys for a reason we don't know, but I know they're good for something," says Allison, 12.
Good for something? I hope so.
"Men lay around the house, but sometimes they do stuff, too," says Shelby, 8. "Sometimes they're helpful."
Gee, thanks a lot, Shelby. Have you been talking to Allison?
"God created men so they could build homes and smell like rotten eggs," says Brianne, 11. Have you discussed this with your dad, or do you always give him cologne for his birthday?
Well, maybe there's a reason for the smell, suggests Lauren, 11: "I think that God created boys because he wanted them to do all the dirty work while the girls get to stay at home and do what they please. He made boys tougher than girls." Here's a couple from the one on girls: "God created girls so boys don't have to go shopping," says Mansi, 7.
In fact, "Girls are made to spend the money that boys make," adds Grace Marie, 11.
Forget the shopping sprees, says Trent: "God created girls because he knew the men couldn't cook."
You'll get no argument from me. I'm married now, but for most of my life, I lived as a bachelor. My married friends wondered how I survived. Sometimes they felt sorry for me and invited me to a home-cooked meal.
"God made girls because they are nice, they are pretty, they are funny and they can fish good," says Malony, 7.
A girl may be nice, pretty and funny, but if she can't fish, forget it.
It's all in the family, says Zach, 10: "God created girls so we could have sisters, and they could drive us nuts." Now Facebook never specified what in these columns was so horrifying. They simply said "Your post goes against our community standards on spam." Well, la-ti-da, Facebook. You really nailed it. Thanks so much for trying to protect us from the thoughts of youngsters that are wholly unvarnished and organic. Kinsolving uses the children's innocent, often humorous comments as a springboard to delve more deeply into sometimes tough religious issues that challenge us to be better disciples of His word. According to Kinsolving's "About us" page, "Carey Kinsolving is an experienced public speaker, syndicated newspaper columnist, author, and producer. Many of Kinsolving's feature articles have appeared in The Washington Post and other major newspapers via news services such as The New York Times News Service, Cox, Hearst and Donrey. His subjects have ranged from profiles of well-known figures such as Elizabeth Dole, Jimmy Carter, George Gallup Jr. and the late Tom Landry to journey-of-faith stories of everyday Americans. Kinsolving was the first student in the history of the prestigious University of Missouri School of Journalism Washington Reporting Program to be published in The Washington Post with a byline." Of course, The Rochester Voice has appealed the decision to Facebook, which on Thursday said they would review it and get back to us quickly. We'll see if they do or not, and will let you know the outcome. On a Sunday when we thank the Lord for our blessings, let's hope Facebook gets it right. Sadly, right now they're on the wrong track.