DeSantis scheduled to make campaign stop in Rochester today at American Legion

Harrison Thorp 5:44 a.m.

DeSantis scheduled to make campaign stop in Rochester today at American Legion

Ron DeSantis (Reuters)

ROCHESTER - Republican presidential hopeful Ron DeSantis will be in Rochester today to talk about his run for the presidency in 2024.

In what is billed as an FDR-style Fireside Chat, DeSantis will appear with his wife, Casey, to talk about "Our Great American Comeback."

Doors open at the American Legion at 10:30 a.m. and the event begins at 11:30 a.m.

The event announcement detailed on his campaign website notes that, "Governor Ron DeSantis has led the nation with his bold leadership and his battle-tested agenda. When the rest of the world went mad, Governor DeSantis made sure Florida was a safe haven for sanity.

"The governor chose facts over fear, education over indoctrination, and law and order over rioting and disorder. He has shown that we can - and must - revitalize America."

Tickets for the event are sold out.