Anyone out there who thinks the media isn't lying about Trump, think again
11:20 a.m.
Sunday, March 17, 2024 11:17 am
 President Trump (Courtesy)
During a rally in advance of the Ohio primary, President Trump took aim at China, which he said is planning to have their Electric Vehicles built in Mexico. The former president, however, said that if they do, he'll put a 100 percent tariff on the vehicles for them to be sold in the United States. "If I'm elected that's what I'll do," he said. "If I'm not elected it'll be a bloodbath," referring to the pain it will cause America's auto industry, which is already suffering due to Biden's push for electric vehicles that few Americans want or can even afford. So I was shocked today when I chec ked online and saw scores of mainstream media with headlines like these. "Trump says migrants are not people, warns of 'bloodbath' if he loses": NPR "Trump says there will be 'bloodbath' if he loses election": NBC "Trump says country faces 'bloodbath' if Biden wins in November": Politico Now one thing news editors aren't is stupid. They know he was referencing a "bloodbath" in the auto industry. They know the enormous impact the auto industry has on the economic health of the United States. But with the new cadre of editors who believe in Solutions Journalism, in which you first identify a "solution" to a societal issue, then tailor your coverage of that issue to obtain the solution. That, however, is not journalism. Journalism needs no adjectives. Journalism is objective reporting without bias. Of course, editorials and opinion pieces can take certain views, but not your news articles. Another nugget from the Ohio speech mainstream media is highlighting is that he used the word "animal" to describe the illegal immigrant who murdered Georgia nursing student Laken Riley. President Biden, himself, called the man an "illegal" during his State of the Union address, but later in an interview with MSNBC apologized for calling the suspect "illegal." So Biden mispronounces her name, and never met with or called her family to give his condolences, but apologizes to the killer for calling him "illegal."