Anti-Common Core forum set for Monday

Staff Reports

Anti-Common Core forum set for Monday

WELLS, Maine - A state group devoutly against a massive federal education overhaul project called Common Core will provide a forum where the public can express their ideas and learn about the potentially devastating program on Monday at Wells High School.

A co-founder of No Common Core Maine, Heidi Sampson, will be the guest speaker. Sampson is also on the state Board of Education.

Sampson will give eventgoers what is dubbed a "no blarney" update on the oft-criticized legislation.

Common Core, if enacted fully, will determine how children nationwide will learn and at what rate, taking away that authority from parents and teachers where it now resides, the group says.

Some of the oft-asked questions that will be addressed include

Were you asked if you wanted proficiency-based diplomas?
Were you asked if you wanted inferior, untested Common Core Standards?
Were you asked if you wanted days and days of high-stakes testing?
Were you asked if you wanted to have all students' private information wind up with the Federal government to give to whomever they wish?
And were you ever told how much this was all going to cost to implement and year after year?

The forum runs from 7-9 p.m.