Advertising in The Rochester Voice couldn't be easier

Advertising in The Rochester Voice couldn't be easier

The Rochester Voice Advertising Rate Card

call: (207) 432-2218


The Rochester Voice ( is a digital daily online newspaper that serves Southwestern Maine and Seacoast New Hampshire, including the cities of Rochester, Dover, Somersworth and Sanford, Maine; as well as the towns of Strafford, Milton, Farmington and Barrington in N.H. and Lebanon, Berwick and Acton in Maine.

The website is extensive, carrying local news, community events, human interest stories, obituaries, police, fire and rescue reports. It has a See 'n' Go page, an Opinion Page, a Business page, a Focus page, a Lifestyles page and a food section.

Advertising in The Rochester Voice gives you the best bang for your advertising dollar, because the folks who read The Rochester Voice are right in your back yard close to your business.

We have all the analytical expertise that the big papers do, but our ad rates per impression are about a quarter of what the others charge.

Once you make your decision to advertise in The Rochester Voice we take care of everything else. You can create your own ad or we can create your ad the way you want it for a nominal fee and we guarantee satisfaction. We can also give you updates at no charge regarding the number of impressions and click-thrus your ad generates. And when you want to sub in a new ad, nothing could be easier. We do that for free.

To watch a creative of The Rochester Voice being awarded Rochester's Business of the year by the Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce click here.

The Rochester Voice currently gets some 14,500 visits every day, and about 70,000 unique monthly visitors.

The Rochester Voice Rate Card (monthly)

Top Stories Page, Rochester Page, Region/State Page and Home Page (50,000 impressions guaranteed):

(Note: pixel dimensions are always width X height)

$260 in top horizontal banner (700 X 100 pixel)

$230 in top square (250 X 250)

$200 in skyscraper (400 X 200) below banner.

Discounts: 10% for three months, 20% for six months, 30% for full year.

Sponsored story: $100

Obituary, including final arrangements notice: $100

CPM $10 for banner, $9 for top square, $8 for skyscraper

Legal ads $140 a week.

Nonprofits half price, with special annual rates (call for info)

Below is a partial list of past and present advertisers who get their message out using The Rochester Voice

Atlantic Broadband

United Insurance of Rochester

Southern Maine Tool & Rental of Lebanon

The Governor's Inn of Rochester

A-1 Snowplowing and Sanding of Milton

A-1 Firewood of Farmington

Cameron's Lawn and Garden of Farmington

Lone Oak Ice Cream of Rochester

McKenzie's Farm of Milton

Northeast Motorsports

Waterstone Retail (The Ridge Marketplace)

Chestnut Hill Chimney and Hearth of Farmington

The Rochester Opera House

The Town of Lebanon

Spence and Mathews Insurance of Berwick

Tri-City Expo Center, Lebanon

The Village at Clark Brook

Healey Automotive

Massage Essentials of Rochester

Paige Merrill agent for New York Life

Milton Hardware

Berry Best Farm

RiverStones Framing

First City Cars and Trucks

Profile Bank

Woodsome Lumber

Straight Forward Wealth Management of Rochester


Amcomm Wireless of Rochester

Tanya Lee Hervey Photography

American Shaman CBD

Easter Seals of Rochester

The Childrens Museum of Dover

First Seacoast Bank

Stitches Alteration of Rochester

Porters Pub of Rochester

Ladytinabell Jewelry of Milton

Rochester Museum of Fine Art

WMEX Radio of Rochester

Mitchell Hill at the Roberge Center


Seton Academy

RCH Paving

Gunstock Mountain Resort

Speed of Sound

Pip Rental